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Professional Courses 



Computer Science


  1. Introduction to Operating Systems 

  2.  Practical Machine Learning with Tensor flow 

  3. Deep Learning Part 1 (IITM) 

  4. Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving 

  5.  C Programming and Assembly Language 

  6. Reinforcement Learning 

  7. Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) 

  8. Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications 

  9. Theory of Computation 

  10. Demystifying networking 

  11. Block chain Architecture Design and Use Cases 

  12. Introduction to Machine Learning (IITKGP) 

  13. Computer Vision 

  14. Ethical Hacking 

  15. Pattern Recognition and Application 

  16. Operating System Fundamentals 

  17.  Introduction to Internet of Things 

  18. Object oriented analysis and design 

  19. Natural Language Processing 

  20. Deep Learning

  21. Problem Solving through Programming in C 

  22. Introduction to parallel Programming in Open MP 

  23.  Introduction to Computer Vision 

  24.  Design and analysis of algorithms 

  25.  Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python 

  26. Applied Natural Language Processing 

  27.  Advanced Computer Architecture 

  28.  Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence 

  29.  Inclusion and Technology Design 

  30.  Social Networks 

  31. The Joy of Computing using Python 

  32. Introduction to Computer Networks and Internet Protocols 

  33.  Computer Fundamentals 

  34.  Computer Networks 

  35. Cyber Security 

  36.  Data Structures 





  1. Introduction to Programming in C 

  2.  Introduction to R Software 

  3.  An Introduction to Programming through C++ 

  4.  Software Project Management 

  5.  Software Engineering 

  6.  Database Management System 

  7.  Programming in C++ 

  8.  Cloud Computing 

  9.  Programming In Java 

  10.  Introduction To Haskell Programming 

  11.  Software testing 

  12. Designing Digital Solution


  14. Web Content Management 





  1. Transport Phenomena In Materials 

  2.  Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 

  3.  Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics 

  4.  Design of Masonry Structures 

  5.  Fundamentals of electronic device fabrication 

  6.  Project Planning & Control 

  7.  Continuum Mechanics and Transport Phenomena 

  8.  Glass In Buildings : Design And Applications 

  9.  Mapping Signal Processing Algorithms to Architectures 

  10. Design for Quality, Manufacturing and Assembly 

  11. Welding of Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications 

  12.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics 

  13.  Computational Electromagnetic 

  14.  Advanced Concrete Technology 

  15.  Digital Signal Processing 

  16.  Glass Processing Technology 

  17. Numerical Methods for Engineers 

  18.  Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communications 

  19. Biology for engineers and other non-biologists 

  20.  Control engineering 

  21.  Control systems 

  22. Linear System Theory 

  23. Engineering Mechanics 

  24.  Fiber-Optic Communication Systems and Techniques 

  25. Noise Management and Control 

  26.  Design of fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 

  27.  Smart Materials and Intelligent System Design 

  28.  Turbulent Combustion: Theory and Modeling 

  29.  Principles of Modern CDMA MIMO OFDM Wireless Communications 

  30. Principles of Construction Management 

  31.  Manufacturing Automation 

  32.  Photo geology in Terrain Evaluation (Part 1 and 2) 

  33.  Nanotechnology in Agriculture 

  34.  Manufacturing of Composites 

  35. Fundamentals and Applications of Dielectric Ceramics 

  36. Digital Switching I 

  37. Fundamentals of Electric Drives 

  38. Introduction to Rocket Propulsion 

  39. Engineering Metrology 

  40. Basic Electric Circuits 

  41.  Principles of Communication Systems Part II 

  42. Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers – SDOF systems 

  43. Introduction to Aerospace Engineering  Heat Transfer 

  44. Environmental Geotechnics  Introduction to Mechanobiology  Geosynthetics Testing Laboratory  Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 

  45. Microwave Theory and Techniques 

  46. Analog Communication 

  47. Robotics 

  48. Farm Machinery 

  49. Industrial Safety Engineering 

  50. Foundation Engineering 

  51. Vibration and Structural Dynamics 

  52. Heat Exchangers: Fundamentals and Design Analysis 

  53. Energy Conservation and Waste Heat Recovery 

  54.  Power System Analysis 

  55.  Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 

  56.  Concepts of Thermodynamics 

  57.  Spatial Informatics 

  58.  Hardware modeling using verilog 

  59. Electrical Machines –Strength of Materials 

  60. Irrigation and Drainage 

  61.  Switching Circuits and Logic Design 

  62.  Digital Circuits 

  63. Fluid Machines 

  64. Electrical Measurement and Electronic Instruments 

  65. Fundamentals of Particle and Fluid Solid Processing  Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering 

  66. Digital Image Processing 

  67.  Organic Farming for Sustainable Agricultural Production 

  68. Structural analysis-I 

  69.  Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges 

  70.  Thermal Operations in Food Process Engineering: Theory and Applications 

  71. Advanced Materials and Processes 

  72.  Ethics in Engineering Practice 

  73.  Wastewater Treatment and Recycling 

  74.  Matrix Method of Structural Analysis 

  75.  Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 

  76.  Computer numerical control CNC of machine tools and processes 

  77.  Design of steel structures 

  78.  Principles and Techniques of Modern Radar Systems 

  79. Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics 

  80.  Yarn manufacture I : Principle of Carding and Drawing 

  81. Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings 

  82.  Science of Clothing Comfort 

  83.  Principles of Combing, Roving preparation & Ring spinning 

  84. Power Electronics 

  85.  Synthesis of Digital Systems 

  86.  Textile Finishing 

  87. Science and Technology of Weft and Warp Knitting 

  88. Solid Mechanics 

  89.  Electrical Machines (IITD) 

  90. Analog Electronic Circuit 

  91.  Microwave Engineering 

  92.  Thermal Processing of Foods 

  93.  Remote Sensing and GIS 

  94.  Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers 

  95.  Dynamic Behavior of Materials 

  96.  Plastic Working Of Metallic Materials 

  97.  Theoretical Mechanics 

  98.  Steam Power Engineering 

  99. Aircraft Propulsion 



Mathematical Modeling Of Manufacturing Processes



  1. Fluid Mechanics 

  2. Fundamentals of Conduction and Radiation 

  3.  Ergonomics In Automotive Design 

  4.  Two-Phase flow with phase change in conventional and miniature channels 

  5.  Electrical Distribution System Analysis 

  6.  Microelectronics: Devices To Circuits 

  7.  Introduction to Smart Grid 

  8.  A short lecture series on contour integration in the complex plane 

  9. Work System Design 

  10. Welding Metallurgy 

  11. Numerical methods 

  12.  Product Design Using Value Engineering 

  13. Role of Craft and Technology in Interior – Architecture 

  14. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 

  15.  Fabrication Techniques for MEMs- based sensors: clinical Perspective 

  16. Sensors and Actuators 

  17.  Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data 

  18. DC Micro grid 

  19. GPS Surveying 

  20.  Selection of Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting and Storage Applications 

  21.  Fundamentals of micro and nanofabrication 

  22.  Fundamentals of manufacturing processes 

  23.  Principles of Metal Forming Technology 

  24.  Global Navigation Satellite Systems And Applications 

  25.  Neural Networks for Signal Processing – I 

  26.  Convective Heat Transfer 

  27.  Fundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanisms, Processes and Characterizations 

  28.  Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation 

  29. Advanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink 

  30.  Textile Study 






  1. Introduction to Research 

  2.  Neuroscience of Human Movements 

  3.  Plant Cell Bioprocessing 

  4.  Physics of Materials 

  5. Principles Of Downstream Techniques In Bioprocess 

  6.  Tissue engineering 

  7.  Computer Aided Drug Design 

  8.  Fluid and Particle Mechanics 

  9.  Corrosion – Part II 

  10.  Structural Geology 

  11. Physics of Turbulence 

  12.  An Introduction to Materials: Nature and Properties (Part 1: Structure of Materials) 

  13.  Quantum Computing 

  14.  Wildlife Conservation 

  15.  Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory 

  16.  Bioinorganic Chemistry 

  17.  Bioenergy 

  18. Geomorphic Processes: Landforms and Landscapes 

  19. Metals In Biology 

  20. Introduction to Proteogenomics 

  21.  Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry 

  22.  Introduction To Proteomics 

  23.  Path Integral and functional methods in quantum field theory 

  24.  NMR spectroscopy for Chemists and Biologists 

  25.  Industrial Biotechnology 

  26.  Flow through porous media 

  27.  Phase Equilibrium Thermodynamics 

  28.  Coordination Chemistry 

  29.  Experimental Physics – II 

  30.  Solid State Physics 

  31.  Biomicrofluidics 

  32. Organic Chemistry in Biology and Drug Development 

  33. Stereochemistry 

  34. Analytical Chemistry 

  35.  Dairy and Food process and products technology 

  36.  Biophysical chemistry 

  37.  Spectroscopic Techniques for Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries 

  38.  Introduction To Statistical Mechanics 

  39.  Chemical Process Intensification 

  40.  Principles Of Organic Synthesis 

  41.  Numerical Methods And Simulation Techniques for Scientists and Engineers 

  42. Mechanical Unit Operations 

  43.  Reagents In Organic Synthesis 

  44.  Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 

  45.  Natural Gas Engineering 

  46.  Genetic Engineering: Theory and Application 

  47.  Chemical Reaction Engineering-I 

  48.  Mass Transfer Operations II 

  49.  Thermodynamics: classical to statistical 

  50.  Plant Developmental Biology 

  51.  Infrared Spectroscopy for Pollution Monitoring 

  52.  Structural Analysis of Nanomaterials 

  53.  Unit operations of particulate matter 

  54.  Solar Photovoltaic’s Fundamentals, Technology And Applications 

  55. Drug Delivery: Principles and Engineering 

  56.  Introduction to Polymer Physics 

  57.  Biomedical nanotechnology 

  58.  Thermo-Mechanical And Thermo-Chemical Processes 

  59.  Biomaterials for bone tissue engineering applications 

  60. Chemical Process Safety 

  61. Ultrafast Optics and Spectroscopy 

  62. Food Chemistry 

  63.  Biogeography 

  64. Environmental Studies 

  65.  Economic Botany: Plant Resource utilization 

  66. Metamorphic Petrology & Thermodynamics 

  67. Introductory Organic Chemistry I 

  68. Analytical Techniques 

  69. Biomass Characterization 

  70. Biology of the silkworm, Bombyx mori etc…… 

  71.  Plant Physiology 

  72. Organic Chemistry-I 

  73. Food Preservation Technology 

  74.  General Sericulture 

  75. Mulberry and Silkworm Crop Protection 

  76.  Industrial Pharmacy I 

  77. Food Microbiology 

  78.  Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 


  80. General Microbiology 

  81. Computational Physics 

  82. Chemical Crystallography 

  83. Plant Pathology And Soil Health 


  85. Environmental Sociology 

  86. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 

  87. Biomembranes and Bioenergetics 

  88. Immunology 

  89.  Food Science & Processing 

  90.  Geography of India 

  91.  Plant Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture 

  92. Waves and Oscillations 

  93. Human Growth & Development 



 Social Sciences



  1. Patent Law For Engineers And Scientists 

  2. Ecology and Environment 

  3. Applied Linguistics 

  4.  Disability Studies: an introduction 

  5. Psychology of Everyday 

  6. Cognition, Transformation and Lives 

  7. Population Studies 

  8. Introduction to Managerial Economics 

  9. Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise 

  10. Intellectual Property Rights: A Management Perspective 

  11. Knowledge Management 

  12. Water, Society and Sustainability 

  13. Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City 

  14. Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law 

  15. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science-Fundamental and Sustainability Concepts 

  16. Corporate Social Responsibility 

  17. Patent Search for Engineers and Lawyers 

  18.  Positive Psychology 

  19. Disaster Recovery And Build Back Better 

  20. Development Research Methods 

  21. The Psychology Of Language 

  22. Consumer Psychology 

  23. System Design for Sustainability 

  24. Technologies For Clean And Renewable Energy Production 

  25. Culturally Responsive Built Environments 

  26. Principles of Macroeconomics – I 

  27.  Administration & Public Policy: Concepts and Theories 

  28. Crime and Society 

  29. Effective Decision Making 

  30. Psychology for Health and Well Being 

  31. Social Research Ethics 

  32. Communication Research 

  33. Rights of Minorities and Indigenous people and Women  Public Policy- An introduction 

  34. Direct Tax- Laws and Practice 

  35.  Criminalities 

  36. Human Rights, International Law and International Humanitarian Law 

  37. Home Science – Extension and Communication Management – Level 1 

  38.  Constitutional Government & Democracy in India 

  39. Course in Business Economics (Macro) 

  40. State and Local Governance: Machinery & Processes 

  41. Law and Justice in a Globalizing World 

  42. Indian Political Thought 

  43. Urban Disaster Risk Mitigation & Climate Resilient Development 







  1. Appreciating Linguistics: A typological approach 

  2. The Victorian Gothic Short Story 

  3. German-II 

  4. Indian Fiction in English 

  5. Short Fiction in Indian Literature 

  6. German-I 

  7. History of English Language and Literature 

  8. Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture 

  9. Introduction to Ancient Indian Technology 

  10. Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit 

  11. Artistic Exploration in Scientific Research And Technology 

  12. Society and Media 

  13. Proficiency course in French 

  14.  Proficiency Course in Russian 

  15. Academic Writing 

  16. Introductory ( particular learning language ) : Grammar 

  17.  Geography of Tourism 

  18. Shakespeare Across Cultures 

  19. Research Ethics 

  20. Aspects of European History (1780- 1939) 

  21.  Proficiency Course in Spanish 

  22. International Tourism Destinations 

  23.  Sports Administration and Management 


 Art & Design


  1. Design Thinking – A Primer 

  2.  Introduction to Film studies 

  3.  Design Practice 

  4.  Visual Perception and Art: A Survey Across the Cultures 

  5.  Architectural Acoustics 

  6.  Text, Textuality and Digital Media 

  7.  Human Computer Interactions 

  8.  Ergonomics Workplace Analysis 

  9.  Contemporary Architecture and Design 

  10. Film Studies and Aesthetic

  11. Fundamentals of Percussion -Tabla 

  12.  Vernacular architecture 

  13.  Basics of Photography 

  14. Media Content Production on Multiple Platforms 




Health & Medicine




  1. Manage TB 

  2. Economics of Health and Health Care 

  3. Health Research Fundamentals 

  4. Bridging the Dementia Divide 

  5. Continuous Quality Improvement: Tools and Techniques 

  6.  Psycho Social and Family Issues of Individuals with Visual Impairment 

  7. Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 

  8.  Food and Nutrition 






  1. Decision making using financial accounting 

  2.  HSE Practices for Offshore and Petroleum Industries 

  3.  Marketing Management-I 

  4.  Manufacturing Systems Technology 

  5.  Project Management 

  6.  Managing Innovation 

  7.  Introduction to Retail Management 

  8.  Introduction to Investments 

  9. Entrepreneurship: Do your Venture 

  10. Customer Relationship Management 

  11. Financial Accounting and Analysis 

  12. Management Accounting for Decision Making 

  13. Introduction to Marketing Essentials 

  14. New Product Development 

  15. Strategic Management 

  16. Organizational Design: Creating Competitive Advantage 

  17. Operations Management 

  18. Brand Management 

  19. Financial Accounting 

  20. Cost Accounting 

  21. The Ethical Corporation 

  22. Human Resource Development 

  23. Leadership 

  24.  Performance and Reward Management 

  25. E-Business 

  26. Scheduling Techniques in Projects 

  27. Marketing research and analysis 

  28. Working Capital Management 

  29. Toyota Production System 

  30. Training of Trainers 

  31. Management Accounting 

  32. Project management for managers 

  33. Business Analytics & Data Mining Modeling Using R Part II 

  34. Innovation, Business Models and Entrepreneurship 

  35. Financial Derivatives & Risk Management 

  36.  Business Analytics & Text Mining Modeling Using Python 

  37. Entrepreneurship 

  38. Decision-Making Under Uncertainty 

  39. Corporate Tax Planning 

  40. Supply Chain Management 

  41. Business Ethics 

  42. Tourism Resources of India 

  43.  Hospitality Industry In Tourism 

  44. Manufacturing Competitiveness 

  45. Fundamentals of Office Management and Methods 

  46. Retail Management 

  47. Tourism And Travel Management 

  48. Tourism Operations 

  49. Tourism Transport and Travel Services 

  50. Course in Special Services Marketing in India 

  51. Conceptual Framework of Accounting 

  52.  Goods and Services Tax 

  53. Digital Marketing 

  54. Family Resource Management and Housing 

  55. Consumer Buyer Behavior 

  56. E-commerce Technologies 

  57. Marketing and Innovation 

  58. Basics of Digital Marketing 




Data Science




  1. Python for Data Science 

  2. Data Science for Engineers 

  3. Functional Genomics 

  4. Practitioners Course In Descriptive, Predictive And Prescriptive Analytics 

  5. Data Analysis & Decision Making – III 

  6. Introduction to Biostatistics 

  7. Scalable Data Science 

  8. Data Mining 









  1. Modern Algebra 

  2. Calculus of Several Real Variables 

  3. Calculus of One Real Variable 

  4.  Game Theory 

  5. Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra 

  6. Mathematical Methods for Boundary Value Problems 

  7. Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics 

  8. Integral Transforms And Their Applications 

  9. Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory, Arithmetic and Logic 

  10. Stochastic Processes 

  11.  Introduction To Rings And Fields 

  12. Introduction to Abstract Group Theory 

  13. Discrete Mathematics (IITG) 

  14. Mathematical Finance 

  15. Operations Research 

  16. Higher Engineering Mathematics 

  17. Matrix Analysis with Applications 

  18. Regression analysis 

  19. Topology 

  20. Discrete Mathematics  

  21. Modern Algebra 

  22. Applied Multivariate Analysis 

  23. Differential Calculus 

  24. Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology 

  25. Mathematical Economics 




Personal Development




  1. Developing Soft Skills and Personality 

  2. Effective Business Communication 

  3. Creating a Happy and Meaningful Career 

  4. Stress Management 

  5. Interpersonal Skills 

  6. Body Language: Key to Professional Success 

  7. Soft Skills 

  8. E-Assessment 

  9.  Personality Development 




Education & Teaching




  1. Designing learner-centric e-learning in STEM disciplines 

  2. Introduction To Learning Analytics 

  3. Designing Learner-Centric MOOCs 

  4. Educational Leadership 

  5. Accreditation and Outcome based Learning 

  6. Teaching And Learning in General Programs: TALG 

  7. TALE 2: Course Design and Instruction of Engineering Course 

  8. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) 

  9. Contemporary India and Education 

  10. Curriculum, Adaptation & Teaching Strategies for Visual Impaired 

  11. School Organization: Administration and Management 

  12. Instructional Design 

  13. Organization and Management of Early Childhood Care and Education Centers 

  14. Basic Concepts in Education 

  15. ICT Skills in Education 

  16. Intervention and Teaching Strategies for Visually Impaired 





Education & Teaching



  1. English

  2. Spanish

  3. German

  4. Chinese

  5. Arabic

  6. Greek

  7. Urdu

  8. Farsi

  9. Punjabi

  10. Jazz For Blind Students

  11. Isaac Pitman Short Hand System of Writing

  12. Sign Language ( ASL )


Special Training Courses


  1. CCTV Security Camera’s Training

  2. Business Procedure along Software Training

  3. Security Courses i.e. IOSH etc.




New Era Computer Language



  1. ANE Language ( Computer Language ) / Secret Communication Language / General Purpose OOP based Programming General Purpose Programming Language more power full with respect to Artificial Intelligence to access Natural Intelligence level of MACHINE in terms of digital processing.




Created and Developed by Qasir Manzoor Mughal

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