TEACHER NATURAL SCIENCES AND INNOVATOR Of ANE - " applied natural engineering "
scientific philosopher for shaping human future TECHNOLOGY
Whereas under process means students must be convenient to learn their particular subject - either of school or college or of even university.
Qasir Manzoor Mughal
Rawalpindi PAKISTAN / Teaching Domain Base - USA
Tel: ( PAK ) ......................... E-mail:ane.qasir@gmail.com
Tel: ( USA ) (757) 986-9939 E-mail: qasir.mit@gmail.com
​MBA - HR ( AIOU ) - 4th and final semester completed including PROJECT Management.
ICMAP Foundations
Adage Holder of FPSC ( CSS ) as a CANDIDATE
DIT ( Information Technology/ Computer Science )( PBTE, Lahore )
AUTHOR Thesis on ANE applied natural engineering on .............
'TECHNOLOGY ' " Thesis " on ANE -"applied natural engineering"( to define, design and present infrastructure of human future TECHNOLOGY )
Level of Degrees / Class / Subject for which you CAN take ONLINE Class as stuDENT.
Education Providing Areas for STUDENTS, Researchers, and Learner along complete degree guidance of cost counseling as TEACHER only subject nominal and reasonable price will be acquired whereas student PROJECT, THESIS and Assignments will be guided free of cost here below cost based subjects and level of degree are given for which free demo class can be asked. ..........................
Elementary/ Primary School
1st grade: 6 to 7 years old (former pre-school)
2nd grade: 7 to 8 years old
3rd grade: 8 to 9 years old
4th grade: 9 to 10 years old
5th grade: 10 to 11 years old
Middle School
6th grade: 11 to 12 years old
7th grade: 12 to 13 years old
8th grade: 13 to 14 years old
High School
9th grade: 14 to 15 years old
10th grade: 15- to 16-year-olds
11th grade: 16- to 17-year-olds
12th grade: 17- to 18-year-olds
Vocational Training
Undergraduate Programs
Master Programs
Professional Programs
Doctoral Programs / PhD programs
Post PhD Programs