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Preprimary & Primary Education

Pre primary Schools: The growing number of households headed by one spouse, and the fact that intact families nonetheless often have both spouses working, has driven a boom in the enrollment of young children in various primary schools. Department of Education figures report that the enrollment of three-, four-, and five-year-olds in daycare institutes and other primary facilities was 30 percent higher in 1998 than it had been in 1988.

In addition, young children are spending more time away from their parents in such schools. Government data shows that while about one-third (34 percent) of all children in daycare facilities spent a full day away from home in 1988, by 1998 more than half (51 percent) of three- to five-year-olds enrolled in daycare were left the full day.


Subjects ( which you can learn )

The Cross Thematic Curriculum Framework for Pre-primary School and the relevant National Curriculum determine the guidelines for the design and development of activities in:

  1. Language

  2. Mathematics

  3. Environmental Study

  4. Creation & Expression

  5. ICT.


Primary Schools: Massachusetts is responsible for the introduction of primary schools for children four years and older. These were a modification of the British infant schools—an idea that soon found its way into most of the progressive, larger American cities such as New York and Providence as a means of teaching and overseeing the children of working-class men and women. Eventually these primary schools were assimilated into elementary schools. During the latter half of the nineteenth century, American schools also began the formation of kindergartens.


Subjects ( which you can learn ) 


The teaching subjects of the Single Type of All-day Primary School are:


  1. Religious Education

  2. Language

  3. Mathematics

  4. History

  5. Study of the Environment

  6. Geography

  7. Natural Sciences

  8. Civics Education

  9. Arts Education (Visual Arts, Music, Drama)

  10. Physical Education

  11. English

  12. 2nd Foreign Language

  13. Flexible Zone

  14. ICT. 





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