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Graduate Level Education
Graduation Level of Education :
Graduate school includes master’s programs (typically one to two years of full time study following an undergraduate degree) and doctoral programs (approximately four to six additional years of study which may follow a master’s degree).
The graduate learning environment is distinctly different from that at the undergraduate level. It has been characterized as advanced, focused and scholarly in nature:
It is advanced because it builds upon an undergraduate education.
It is focused because the emphasis in graduate studies is on depth.
It is scholarly because it is concerned not simply with the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but with the critical analysis of existing knowledge and the creation of new knowledge. Graduate students are expected to acquire and apply advanced analytical and interpretive skills, as well understanding and/or producing research.
Although the expectations of students enrolled in graduate programs may vary, it should be recognized that graduate school represents a very different educational experience than that of undergraduate studies. Scientific discovery is seldom a linear process, and it is generally not possible to drive research directly towards a desired outcome. Discovery is a mixture of insight, effort, curiosity, and good fortune.
Professional programs – provide specialized skills and qualifications for a specific profession (i.e., Speech-Language Pathology, MBA programs).
Terminal programs – master’s and doctoral degrees are achieved separately. Students apply to doctoral programs after first completing their master’s degree.
Non-terminal programs – master’s program feeds directly into doctoral program without option of stopping after master’s. May be entered into directly from undergraduate studies.
Additionally, your degree may be:
Course-based – a combination of required courses, practicum placement, qualifying exam, independent research, or capstone course or project.
Thesis-based – a combination of required courses and a thesis project under the supervision of a thesis advisor.
Thesis-based master’s programs provide an opportunity for students to explore the possibility of pursuing research as a career. The normal time to completion of this degree is two years, although completion of a high quality thesis may require a longer period of time.
Students are expected to display enthusiasm and dedication towards completing the objectives that define their research projects, which can mean working on their projects beyond a standard work week. In research, the end result is nearly always determined by the effort and commitment of the student to the project. The reward for this is the opportunity to pursue research questions and lead discovery in diverse and important areas that are directed at reducing human suffering and improving our understanding of the world.
understand this level ( very important ) in comprehensive way : -
Bachelor’s Degree
Also called a baccalaureate
Means you have a broad base of knowledge and skills in a specific area
Requires four to five years of study
Includes general education classes (such as math and English composition), a major (a focused area of study) and electives
Examples of bachelor’s degrees:
Bachelor of arts degrees (B.A.) — awarded in the humanities and arts
Bachelor of science degrees (B.S.) — awarded in sciences
Bachelor of fine arts (B.F.A.) — awarded in fine arts such as drama or music
Your area of study, or degree program, is noted on your transcript (the official record of your grades), such as a “bachelor of arts (English).”
Subjects ( which you can learn )
NOTE : Prior to taking any of graduate level subject either in graduate school / college or university consider the following question to access your learning targets and requirements........
Business and economics degrees
What can you do with an accounting degree?
What can you do with a business and management degree?
What can you do with an economics degree?
Life sciences
What can you do with an agriculture degree?
What can you do with a biology degree?
What can you do with a sports science degree?
What can you do with a veterinary science degree?
Arts and humanities
What can you do with an archaeology degree?
What can you do with an architecture degree?
What can you do with a degree in design?
What can you do with a performing arts degree?
What can you do with an art degree?
What can you do with a philosophy degree?
What can you do with a history degree?
What can you do with a theology degree?
What can you do with a linguistics degree?
What can you do with a languages degree?
What can you do with an English literature degree?
What can you do with an English language degree?
Engineering and technology
What can you do with a chemical engineering degree?
What can you do with a civil engineering degree?
What can you do with an electrical engineering degree?
What can you do with a general engineering degree?
What can you do with a mechanical engineering degree?
What can you do with an aerospace engineering degree?
Physical sciences
What can you do with a chemistry degree?
What can you do with a geology degree?
What can you do with a mathematics degree?
What can you do with an astronomy degree?
What can you do with a physics degree?
Social sciences
What can you do with a media and communications degree?
What can you do with an education degree?
What can you do with a geography degree?
What can you do with a law degree?
What can you do with a politics degree?
What can you do with a psychology degree?
What can you do with a sociology degree?
Computer science
What can you do with a computer science degree?
Clinical and health
What can you do with a medical degree?
What can you do with a nursing degree?
What can you do with a dentistry degree?
While it is completely fine to not know what you want to do after university, if you do have some idea and aren't sure which degree to go for, the table below can help you to work out which degree will help you on to that career path. Further study may be required for some of these occupations after graduation. Of course these are not the only jobs you can do, but this is a good place to start.